First year DONE.
Some tricks:
- Learning how Guatemala works
- Learning how Guatemalans work
- Learning how to be myself in a culture where I’m not really allowed to be mySELF
- Learning how to eat right in this place full of carbs, carbs, carbs, and protein (and no use of the abundance of fresh and beautiful vegetables)
- Learning how to BE with myself, by myself, for large periods of the time
Some treats:
- Living in the vast belleza that is Guatemala
- Having the comfort of close friends
- Having technology to connect with my most loved ones
- Connecting with my host family and Guatemalans
- Working with Guatemalans
Some things for which I’ve learned to take off my costume:
- How to be myself and remember myself no matter whose company I am in
- How to FEEL myself at all times
- How to remember what’s most important and what I can afford to let go of
- How to KNOW that my day and my LIFE are what I make them, what I WANT them to be
- How to let myself love others regardless of what thoughts may be in their heads
I just went through my mid-service medical exams and all is well (no tuberculosis, no cavities!!). What was even better was when everyone that “examined” me asked, “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE JUST ONE YEAR LEFT?! YOU MADE IT SO FAR ALREADY!” Well, I suppose it feels great to have come this far and to be able to see things differently and ways in which I have changed. It feels great to finally feel like I’m accepted and appreciated here. It feels great to know how fast the past year went by and how the next year should go by even faster; not only because it means I get to go home sooner, but also because I will be working more and feeling more fulfilled in what I’m doing.
Guatemala is great – the people, the places, the things to do and learn… I do not regret a thing. I especially love the people that have come into my life because of my being here, and the life I’ve learned to live because of my experiences.
Change is the only constant thing in life, and I’m grateful for that. We are always growing and learning and doing things that get us where we are supposed to be in life.
Here’s to one more year of change!
Happy almost Halloween.
I really appreciate you, Amanda Baker.