Last weekend of May Pacaya exploded and made a mess of things with ash all over Guatemala City and the surrounding areas, IMMEDIATELY followed by Tropical Storm Agatha. Ash turned to goo and landslides, compounded by mudslides caused by the torrential downpours all over the country. Houses were filled with mud to the roofs, people buried alive in mud, and lockdown all over the country for lack of transportation. It was horrible. My location was relatively unaffected.
That weekend I was “stuck” in Xela for floods, mudslides, and roadblocks. What a weekend it was. There’s something wild about not being able to move amidst downpours and streets-turned-to-rivers. We didn’t let it get us down and enjoyed almost literally swimming around town. Fortunately Xela stayed open: we weren’t the only crazy ones taking advantage of the disability to do anything else besides relax and enjoy ourselves. Those couple days will never leave my memory.
Then HOME. At last. Greeted by tears and terribly-missed family, I flew into San Francisco on June 10th. From that point forward I immediately started in on the must-do’s: Lagunita IPA, Stone Double Bastard Ale, Stone IPA, Stone Ruination IPA, and Sailor Jerry & Coke. Oh, and I also very much enjoyed seeing my family and friends. Such wonderful therapy. I gave a short speech about tolerance and the Peace Corps to two different groups and felt good about what I had to say. I attended a family party with friend afterparty and talked way too much about what I do and don’t do in Peace Corps, re-fell in love with Sailor Jerry, and saw so many of those that mean the most to me. OhHowIMissAndLoveThem. I flew out after probably the most amazing night of my life and back to Guate I went. Maybe a relief, maybe not. But here I am.
Almost right afterwards was the 3rd of July party. What to say besides beer, debauchery, and spending too much money? Said goodbye to Alex. A new experience dawns here in Guatemala. I had the MOST fun since I’ve been here and am relieved to have had a few weeks off of alcohol. I also have new VERY amazing friends.
The past couple of months were not easy ones. Probably the roughest patch I’ve ever been through in my life. But the seemingly unending “crisis” culminated with a newfound motivation to do what I came here to do, and recognize what it was I originally wanted from coming here. I am happy to have seen the other side of this funk and to have reestablished my commitment to serve Guatemala and mySelf. It helps to remind myself of this from time to time, as this kind of adjustment doesn’t stop evolving until it’s over. I greatly look forward to the euphoria that will come for having finished this gargantuan task of performing the toughest job I’ll ever love.
Meanwhile, I’m going to Huehue to visit some of those very amazing friends and see Tricia!!! She FINALLY comes back from her very long surgery visit to the states. I love her.
And I love you. I miss you. Can’t wait to see you again.